We are looking for new volunteer panel members
Grants panels are vital to our work as they help us to fulfil our values in a manner that is collaborative, transparent and accountable to the communities we serve.
We are looking for volunteers who are interested in being part of the grant making panels for our Funding Programmes across Wales. A funding panel typically consists of a group of individuals who make decisions regarding grant applications. They evaluate each application against specific funding criteria and provide recommendations on whether applicants should receive funding.

We are really interested to hear from people based in North and Mid Wales to support our Funds in these areas.
Becoming a panel member with Community Foundation Wales represents a great volunteering opportunity and the chance to be involved in a decision-making process that can really make an impact.
Who we are looking for:
We are looking for volunteers, particularly those with experience of working in community and third sector settings to help us to make informed decisions about the distribution of funding. We value diversity and are particularly interested in hearing from people from protected characteristic backgrounds, people with lived experience, as well as younger people to help us better represent Wales.
Panel members may come from any walk of life. In fact, the more diverse the Panel, the more representative of the local communities it is likely to be. If this is something that interests you, we’d love to hear from you.
How to apply:
We’d encourage you first to click here to read our Panel Member Recruitment Pack. Then, please click on the link to submit your Expression of Interest and Equal Opportunities form. If you have any questions, please get in touch with the Grants Team grants@communityfoundationwales.org.uk.
We’ll be in touch with you, to have a chat about Community Foundation Wales and this role and for us to get to know you better. Please be aware, that you must be available for the induction date.
Key milestones are listed below:
- We would love to receive applications particularly from individuals living in Flintshire and Wrexham (North Wales), however, this does not exclude wider areas and we we welcome applications from individuals across Wales.
- Informal follow up chats – This will take place within 15 working days of receiving your Expression of Interest Form.
- Receive notification to confirm place as panel member.
- Induction training for Panel Members.
We very much look forward to hearing from you.