Building confidence through basketball

Made By Sport ‘Clubs in Crisis’ Fund

A collection of images of children from Tribal Basketball“I used to be really nervous about competition but since I started doing the tournaments, I really love it. I really love my kit because it has my favourite number on it which is my age. Wearing a kit with my team mates really makes me feel part of a team and we work together to play the best we can. My mum and dad say that my confidence has really improved since I’ve been playing in the tournaments, I’m really looking forward to more this year.”

Tribal Basketball brings basketball to the community and helps to raise the profile of the sport across Wales. Delivering sessions for all ages, they focus on making basketball fun, inclusive, and engaging for everyone.

Following the Covid-19 lockdown, Tribal Basketball saw a huge increase in children wanting to participate in the sport and become more active. They received a grant from the Made by Sport ‘Clubs in Crisis’ Fund to purchase kits for children to use in tournaments and to buy equipment to help deliver more comprehensive training sessions.

Through our support, Tribal Basketball have been able to offer opportunities for children who otherwise would not have been able to take part in the sport. Providing kits for the children has helped them to gain a sense of togetherness and belonging to the club, improving both their physical and mental wellbeing.

Jon from Tribal Basketball said:

“This support has been invaluable in helping us to work towards our goals for inclusive sport engagement. There is a great sense of pride watching the kids develop their skills and witnessing the increased enthusiasm that comes with playing other teams in a friendly competitive nature.”



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