Supporting young people with learning disabilities

“For young people with learning disabilities/autism, the ‘transition’ phase can be like standing on a cliff-edge. Those having received support can find themselves without care and support at 18. The Young People Worker will work with young people with learning disabilities and/or autism during the transition phase at school, to ensure they have a voice in their futures.”
People First Bridgend is committed to upholding the rights of people with learning disabilities/autism in the county of Bridgend. Community Foundation Wales awarded People First Bridgend a grant of £10,000 to employ a Young People First worker to help people with learning disabilities/autism through the ‘transition’ phase.
The grant has enabled People First Bridgend to employ a Young People First worker who will support people with learning disabilities/autism by running discussion groups, liaising with employment and training providers on their behalf, offering guidance for parents and providing planning tools to assist with transition.