What happens next?


Submit grant application

Make sure you read the criteria to ensure you are eligible, submit your application by the stated closing date and don’t forget to include all supporting documentation.
What happens next?

Grant applications are assessed

We assess each eligible application, this includes due diligence checks to ensure your organisation is compliant with its registered body e.g. Charity Commission. You may receive an email or telephone call during this time if we need to clarify anything. We also carry out assessment visits on occasion.
What happens next?

Eligible applications reviewed by a grant panel

Grants panels have been established to make recommendations to our Board of Trustees. Grant panels are made up of people with local, lived experience and/or of people with relevant expertise.

Applicants are notified of the outcome of their application

You will receive notification from us via email to let you know if your application has been unsuccessful or successful.  We endeavour to have the result of your application to you within two months of the closing date. However, with some of our larger programmes it can take up to three months for you to receive an outcome of your application. If your application is unsuccessful, the email will include the reason why, with some generic feedback to support this decision. You cannot appeal this decision, but we’d encourage you to call us if you would like to reapply, so that we can give you feedback more specific to your application.

Successful applicants

When your application is successful you will receive a grant offer letter and terms and conditions which needs to be signed by a Senior Officer within your organisation and returned. Any conditions of grant will be stated within these documents. Upon receipt of signed terms and conditions, and once any grant conditions have been fulfilled, payment of the grant will be made by BACS transfer. NB. We will need to see a paying in slip or bank statement in the name of your organisation as evidence of your account before payment can be made.


It is a condition of your grant that you complete a monitoring report to tell us how you have spent the funding. We will ask you to provide a detailed report on a standard template at 12 months or when your project has come to an end – whichever of these comes first. This gives you the chance to show how you have used the grant you received, to tell us how people has benefitted from your work by sharing the successes and learning of your project. We would encourage you to send in case studies, photos and quotes from people involved.

Please note: the process is the same for an individual applying for funding but can be fast tracked where the individual is in a crisis situation.