We are here to support you
As the cost of living continues to rise, the Welsh third sector is likely to see a surge in the already high demand for services, whilst also facing rapidly increasing costs such as rent, utilities and wages. The Welsh third sector will once again be expected to do more for less. If the sector is to support the country as effectively as it did during the pandemic, it too must be supported.
We therefore wish to assure the groups we work with, that we understand the challenges they are facing. The need for flexibility has never been so vital, particularly in terms of adapting activities and re-aligning budgets to ensure groups can continue to support their communities in the best way possible.
If you have any questions or would like to speak to the grants team about any concerns, we’d be more that happy to do so. Please email grants@communityfoundationwales.org.uk giving the name of your organisation along with some detail about your query and one of our Grant Officers will contact you to schedule a call back as soon as possible