Gwent High Sheriffs' Community Fund

The Gwent High Sheriffs’ Community Fund aims to provide a safer and better quality of life for the people of Gwent by supporting community-based initiatives and projects that reduce crime and improve community safety.

Click here to see the grant recipients from this year’s Your Voice, Your Choice event.

You can connect with the High Sheriff of Gwent via the links below:

The current High Sheriff of Gwent

Her Honour Helen Mifflin, DL

Helen recently retired as a Circuit Judge. For 15 years she sat exclusively in the family court, where a large percentage of her work related to child protection. As a barrister she also specialised in family law.

From her work, she understands some of the deep-rooted issues that affect young people in Gwent. Her journey to becoming High Sheriff has not been typical. She comes from many generations of mining families on both sides and was educated through the comprehensive system. Helen was the first in her family to go to sixth form and University.

Helen returned to Gwent after her professional training in 1983 and has lived in the county ever since. She has a keen interest in children’s rights and equal opportunity for all structures of society particularly through the education process. It is her primary ambition to try to use her year as High Sheriff to make the Office more relevant to young people in Gwent.

Many have not heard of the office; others do not know anything about the role of the High Sheriff. Inevitably those who have only heard of the “High Sheriff” or “Shrievalty” are under the impression that they have little understanding or experience of the issues that children and young people face as they progress towards adulthood. Helen wants to try and change that perception and give a voice to young people, through herself and the office she holds.

Helen’s overarching message will be – let us encourage as many of our young people as we can to realise their potential whatever that may be. We can all make a contribution and time is the most valuable resource that we can give.

Click here for more information.

Read more about the impact of the Gwent High Sheriffs' Community Fund