Let us know what you think!

Thank you for joining our recent workshop. We hope you found it informative and engaging. Our goal is to provide valuable resources and knowledge to help you succeed in your endeavours. To achieve this, we rely on your feedback.

We are committed to supporting and empowering the third sector in Wales through our workshops and funding opportunities. Your insights and experiences are vital for us to continually improve and tailor our services to better meet your needs.

Why Your Feedback Matters

Your feedback helps us:
• Understand the effectiveness of our workshops.
• Identify areas for improvement.
• Tailor future workshops to address your needs and interests.
• Enhance the overall support we provide to the third sector in Wales.

How to Provide Feedback

We value your honest and constructive feedback. This questionnaire is anonymous, so please feel free to share your genuine thoughts. The survey should take just a few minutes to complete. After you submit your feedback, our team will review the responses to enhance our future workshops and services. Your input directly influences the development of our programmes, ensuring they are aligned with your needs and challenges.

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1. Please rate how useful you found the workshop:
2. Following the workshop, how do you rate your confidence levels in applying for funding from Community Foundation Wales?
5. Have you applied for funding from Community Foundation Wales before?

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