I wouldn’t have been able to afford dance course .. and ended up with a double distinction

Cardiff Community Endowment Fund

A young person studying at Rubicon Dance on the full time course was awarded £500 to enable her to finish her year at Rubicon and prepare for professional training at a dance conservatoire.

“This grant enabled me to continue my studies at Rubicon Dance on the full time course, as it helped to cover the costs of the course fees, in a time of personal financial hardship. As a student living with a single mum on a low income and in a debt management plan, I simply wouldn’t have been able to afford the cost of the course without this grant, and I also had to think about auditioning for higher education dance Conservatoires to further my training after Rubicon, which cost £50 per audition.

Not only did the course enable me to improve my technique, stamina and anatomical understanding, as we had daily classes in fitness, ballet and contemporary, but we also variety of different dance styles. Some of these include, jazz, improvisation, partner work, salsa, tango, character, gumboot, jive and kathak dancing, thus making me a very versatile and diverse dancer, which is something that higher education dance conservatoires were very interested in when I was auditioning.  I completed the course at Rubicon, receiving a Double Distinction*, achieving the highest grade in the history of the Rubicon Full Time Course.”


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