Partnership Funds

Community Foundation Wales also partners with organisations that wish to create funds to raise money for their own specific causes across Wales.

For more information on our current partnership funds please click on a link below:

Partnership Funds

Gwent High Sheriffs' Community Fund

The Gwent High Sheriffs’ Community Fund aims to provide a safer and better quality of life for the people of Gwent by supporting community-based initiatives and projects that reduce crime and improve community safety.

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Young person holding up a sign that says 'grow'

Wales in London Philanthropic Fund

The Wales in London Philanthropic Fund has been created in the spirit of the core purpose of the Wales in London organisation, which is to provide a bridge between Wales and London – and indeed further afield.

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Partnership Funds

Give DIFFerently

The Give DIFFerently Fund is a campaign to encourage people visiting and living in Cardiff to think differently about how they give to those who are begging and are homeless or at risk of homelessness.

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Partnership Funds

The Young People's Cricket Fund

The Young People's Cricket Fund has been created to enable young people without access to cricket to experience it and benefit from it both physically and mentally.

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Interested in setting up a partnership fund?

If you are interested in setting up a partnership fund for your organisation please contact: