Claire Buckley
Grants Officer

My background
I’ve worked for a number of different charities doing all types of fundraising for over 9 years. I love working in the 3rd sector and am passionate about being able to make a difference in Wales.
As a member of the Grants Team, I provide support and advice to grant applicants and oversee the grant making processes. Since joining the team I’ve loved seeing the benefits CFW and the brilliant community groups we support are making to communities across Wales.
What I do
I’ll be working with the Grants Team to help ensure the Community Foundation Wales Grants programme runs efficiently, and that we promote philanthropy in Wales.
Ask me about…
New grant applications or existing awards and how our team can support you with both.
Why I love Wales
I moved away from Wales when I was a teenager, but now it’s home again for me and my young family and we love it here. We have city, countryside, coast and forest all on our doorstep and feel very lucky to call Wales home again.