Bwrdd Sylfaenol Ymddiriedolwyr yn ymweld ag Amgueddfa Tecstilau Y Drenewydd

Bwrdd Sylfaenol Ymddiriedolwyr yn ymweld ag Amgueddfa Tecstilau Y Drenewydd

Community Foundation in Wales’ board of trustees, along with several staff members, paid a visit to one of its beneficiary groups, Newtown Textile Museum, earlier this week.

The Foundation team were all fascinated to hear the museum’s history from three of its tireless volunteers before heading up to the top two floors of the building to view its exhibits, which told the story of fleece to flannel through displays of textiles, looms and spinning wheels. Also exhibited were the stories of successful local businesses and entrepreneurs, such as Pryce Jones and Amelia Ray. The building, constructed in the 1830s, also includes three pairs of small, back-to-back cottages on the lower floors. These were inhabited until the 1970s, after which they became part of the museum.

The museum has been awarded a total of £18,450 from the Community Foundation, including three grants from our Powys funds and a larger grant from the Ashley Family Foundation fund. This funding has enabled the museum committee to make significant improvements to the building itself, making it safer and more enjoyable for visitors and volunteers. They have also received a grant to fund digital enhancements, such as touchscreen displays and smart screens, to attract younger audiences and make the museum more accessible to all.

It is clear that the successful combination of passionate volunteers and much-needed funding is the only thing keeping the doors to the museum open, enabling generation after generation to learn about Newtown’s rich history in the textile industry.

The Foundation is proud to support small, volunteer-led groups such as this one. To find out how you can get involved by setting up a donor-advised fund, please visit our Giving Pages.


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